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Weddings and grand baby!

Its February already and look how many times I posted šŸ¤” Iā€™ll do that later but here are some updates at least. Our family has grown by 3 this past year, we love it. Changes are good , most of them anyway. Little Kyra has wormed her way into our hearts, she is changing so fast. Of course, I think she likes me best šŸ¤£ She has such bright little eyes that stare right through you, I think she gets that from her dad! Kate and Paul got married on October 6, and had a beautiful wedding. I felt pretty good, I had to do chemo the week after the wedding so I had to hurry and put wedding stuff away. Thankfully, I could put everything in Kateā€™s basement and sort through later. Samantha used some of the same stuff, lights etc so that was nice !  My mom and sister and a niece came out for the wedding and helped for a few days, we managed to run down to check out Ms. Statue of Liberty on the Sandpoint beach.  Then Davidā€™s and Sams wedding on January 5. It was a typical ...
Recent posts

Iā€™m Back!

 Iā€™ve been thinking the last few weeks of this poor forsaken blog, so I looked up the other day and it was actually 2012 that I quit. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and our family has grown and thereā€™s been lots of changes and a wedding and a daughter-in-law and grandbaby coming and now weā€™re having another wedding In a few weeks! Wow , you never know what will happen in six more years! I thought about trying to catch up over our lives the last few years, but most of you already know What all weā€™ve been up to so Iā€™m not gonna try! Iā€™m just going to start where we are now! This is going to be a year to remember for sure! 2018, Who wouldā€™ve thought, that we would be facing cancer, looking forward to being grandparents, having a 19-year-old daughter getting married, another daughter dating!  Itā€™s almost mind-boggling, but I am reminded  that when I started this blog and I was a busy younger mother with six little kids, that I literally took one day...

Pictures Of Summer 2012, now That Its History. . .

I am so far behind, I'm not even gonna try to catch up on our summer! Did we even HAVE summer??? Me thinks the years are flying by too fast! We had a relaxing Sunday afternoon today, Norvs mom and dad came up for lunch and Jay and April and the girls. . . Its been almost six weeks since hip surgery for my MIL, she's about ready to get rid of her walker! That'll be a wonderful sight to see her walk without it. Its been getting colder every night and raining for the past few days, knocking all those beautiful yellow leaves of of my maples in the front yard!  We've started raking them into huge piles. But its wasted effort till they are all off. The snow is covering the mountain tops now so one of these days its gonna get us! :) We celebrated our 18 th anniversary the 8th of October! Norv had to fly to Seattle that weekend and Julianna had her 8th birthday, so we are gonna do a gateway later. This time of the year is always a little hard to get nice wea...


If you like a giveaway and want to read some funny, interesting, thot- provoking and sometimes -serious -stuff -to- digest, check out this blog by a friend from our church!

50th Wedding Anniversary

These bull whips were a hit! I even managed to crack one (when no one was looking!) It was a fun filled week that ended not so good with flu bugs flying around , but we had a good time honoring Norv's folks  for their 50 years of marriage! The weather didn't always cooperate and it wasn't the warmest either but we had a nice big pavilion and a nice big fire roaring, lots of coffee, lots of food and  lots of gabbing and catching up with family we don't see very often! The whole reason for the Skrivseth Reunion/ 50th Wedding Anniversary  celebration Elv , Arla and the kids at home yet, from Wisconsin Ivan , Dena and Family from SC Evie came from Ohio Dayton, Judy,Alex, Gilbert, Benjamin,Rebecca and Jonathan Eric and Jared  Our family Bruce, Shilah and kids Matt , Amy and boys Jay ,April , Olivia and Jemima One afternoon we all toured the houses and lands of us kids that live here, here we are at Shilah's ...

Sweet springtime!

My birthday breakfast -in -bed...thanks to my girls!   It's been a long time comin'...but its here! Today was such a beautiful day but windy and a little cool. We had a picnic planned down at the Twin Rivers ,but since it would be rather chilly down there, we went to Phil and Jenn's house instead to help do some planning for girls camp.    This summer is starting to fill up and look really busy, and it's barely here! From around the middle of July to the middle of August, life in Idaho is too hectic! Our church is involved in men's retreat, boy's camp and girl's camp, and to top it off, a wedding all squeezed in those for short weeks. And those are the best months to go camping or driving in the mountains. We have been working outside as much as we can,we've had a lot of rain which makes for nice green lawns to mow. Cody keeps busy with our lawn at home and mowing at the store. He's been helping me rescue some flowering crab trees that a nurse...

Family Fun Night 2012

Our school has a "Family Fun Night " put on by the teachers and students every spring. The theme this year was the progression  of the USA starting from the Pilgrims coming to the new colony to our modern era that we live in! We ended with McDonalds type food which was a lot of work, but it turned out good! We had grilled hamburgers, and chicken and good old fries and chicken  nuggets and ended with homemade  ice cream topped with yummy hot fudge! drool... The brains that go into a project like this always amazes me! The General Store Samantha and Kendra cooking over the "fire" in the mining town Rebecca "plowing " her field The "Mayflower", guided by Captain Dominic A miniature "Mayflower", the captains had a lot of fun guiding this ship! It even had a lower level ! The indians in first grade, pioneer girls in the background... The pilgrim and the indian at the "First Thanksgiving" The ...